Media Interviews
From Meeting Celebrities to Flying into a War Zone
What’s It Really Like to Be an International Flight Attendant?
During her nearly 40-year career as a flight attendant, Tania Anderson has met everyone from Elizabeth Taylor and the mega rock band U2 to the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, Britain's Prince Phillip, and five U.S. presidents! She also flew into war zones, including Kuwait after Saddam Hussein's invasion, created a side gig as an actor, which led to working as an extra on such hit TV shows as "The West Wing," and more. "I have been to 79 countries and lived in seven," she reveals. Tania can share innumerable fascinating anecdotes about her high-flying life, the many memorable people she's met along the way, and personal experiences that most people can only dream of. She is the author of the memoir "On Butterflies' Wings: An Anthology of International Escapades," and the upcoming "Synchronicity -- the Escapades Continue."
Interview with Dr. Al , The Famous Dr AL ( Dr. Allen Lycka ) – June 17, 2024.

Rick Flynn Interviews – 2 parts
2nd interview
Interview with Chuck Tuck on June 19, 2024